home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* Search.rexx
- v1.1 - 05-Feb-97
- The script now displays a requester every time when the search word is found.
- You can read the message and then click on continue search.
- Send comments, suggestions, bug reports and e-money to knikulai@utu.fi
- Remember to check http://www.utu.fi/~knikulai/ARexx.html for more scripts and new
- versions
- */
- options results
- call addlib('rexxreqtools.library',0,-30)
- title='Search.rexx by Kai.Nikulainen@utu.fi © 1996'
- search_txt='Enter search word:'
- start_txt='Where should I start the search?'
- start_but='_First message|_Here|_Cancel'
- where_txt='From which messages you want to search?'
- where_but='_All|_Read|_Unread|_Not Replied|Cancel'
- found_txt='Word was found in this message'
- found_but='_Continue search|_End search'
- header='unchecked messages with word "'
- sel_but='_Scroll|_Done'
- tags='rt_pubscrname=YAMSCREEN' /* Change here the name of the screen YAM runs */
- maxmsg=9 /* Number of messages in one requester */
- NL='0a'x /* newline */
- sana=rtgetstring('',search_txt,title,,tags)
- if sana='' then exit
- u_sana=upper(sana)
- sel=rtezrequest(where_txt,where_but,title,'rtez_defaultresponse=1' tags)
- if sel=0 then exit
- types='ONUR'
- if sel=2 then types='OR'
- if sel=3 then types='UN'
- if sel=4 then types='ONU'
- address 'YAM'
- firstmsg=0
- sel=rtezrequest(start_txt,start_but,title,'rtez_defaultresponse=1' tags)
- if sel=0 then exit
- if sel=2 then do
- 'GetMailInfo Active'
- firstmsg=result
- end
- 'GetFolderInfo Max'
- n=result
- mc=0
- do m=firstmsg to n-1
- 'SetMail' m
- 'GetMailInfo Status'
- if pos(result,types)>0 then do
- 'GetMailInfo File'
- call open(in,result,r)
- found=0
- do until eof(in) | found>0
- rivi=readln(in)
- found=pos(u_sana,upper(rivi))
- end /* do until */
- call close(in)
- if found>0 then do /* Add this message to the list and display a requester*/
- mc=mc+1
- msgnum.mc=m
- 'GetMailInfo Subject'
- msgsub.mc=result
- sel=rtezrequest(found_txt,found_but,title,'rtez_defaultresponse=1' tags)
- if sel=0 then exit
- end /* if found>0 */
- end /* if pos(result,types)>0 then do */
- end /* do m=0 to n-1 */
- curtop=1
- do until mc=0
- if mc<=maxmsg then do
- curtop=1
- curbot=mc
- num=mc
- end
- else do
- curbot=curtop+maxmsg-1
- num=maxmsg
- end
- body=mc header || sana || '"' || NL
- buttons=''
- do i=curtop to curbot
- j=i-curtop+1
- buttons=buttons ||'_' || j || '|'
- ind=1+i//mc
- body=body || j ') ' msgsub.ind || NL
- butnum.j=msgnum.ind
- butind.j=ind
- end /* do i=curtop to curbot */
- buttons=buttons || sel_but
- sel=rtezrequest(body,buttons,title,'rtez_defaultresponse=0' tags)
- if sel=0 then exit
- if sel=num+1 then do
- curtop=curtop+maxmsg
- if curtop>mc then curtop=curtop-mc
- end
- else do /* A message was selected */
- say 'butind.sel=' butind.sel 'mc=' mc
- 'SetMail' butnum.sel
- do i=butind.sel to mc-1
- k=i+1
- msgnum.i=msgnum.k
- msgsub.i=msgsub.k
- end
- mc=mc-1
- end /* else */
- end /* do until mc=0 */